Swimming is an essential life skill that we believe everyone should learn, especially children.
At Rugby School Sports Centre we offer a wide range of swimming lessons and courses for babies, children and adults, from complete beginners through to advanced swimmers. We run consistent lessons in line with the Warwickshire school term timetable. During the school holidays we offer crash courses which will help your child maintain their water safety skills and technique.
See below for what our swim school offers.
Parent & Baby Lessons
Preschool Lessons
Junior Swim Lessons
Private Swim lessons
Parent & Toddler Lessons
Adult Swim Lessons
Adult Swim Fitness
Rookie Lifeguard
Crash Courses
Curriculum Lessons
School swimming is the one and only opportunity for all children to learn to swim and know how to be safe in and around water. The chances are, children who don’t learn to swim during school lessons, may never learn this lifesaving skill. The Department for Education state that all primary schools must provide swimming and water safety instruction in Key Stage 1 or 2.
We also offer exclusive weekly lessons for the children in the local community who are home educated. Please enquire within.
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children cannot swim the statutory 25 metres when they leave primary school.
Swimming is the only statutory sport within the Physical Education (PE) programme of study and in particular, pupils should be taught to:
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
- Use a range of strokes effectively, for example front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.
Our Swim Team are passionate about teaching this essential life skill and we will work closely with you towards the National Curriculum aims.
2024-2025 Availability
We have limited slots available for next academic year. So whether you’re looking for top up sessions, a boost to your curriculum timetable or water safety – we can help you!